Jun 24, 2015

HP - iLO (Integrated Lights Out) Port Listing

If you want to access an iLO behind a firewall, there are some TCP ports that need to be opened on the firewall to allow all iLO traffic to flow through.  Here is a list of the default ports used by iLO, but these can be modified on iLO’s Administration… Access… Services… tab.

iLO Function
Socket Type
Port Number
Secure Shell (SSH)
Remote Console / Telnet
Web Server Non-SSL
Web Server SSL
Terminal Services
Virtual Media
Shared Remote Console
Console Replay
Raw Serial Data


Jun 22, 2015

Batch - Join Domain Batch File

This is a batch file to automatically join the computer to the specified domain, the purposes of the batch file as below :-

  • To avoid typography error in domain name.
  • To avoid mismatch username and password when joining to domain.
Syntax of the command :
netdom join %COMPUTERNAME% /domain:[domain name] /userd:[domain\username] /passwordd:[password]

  • %COMPUTERNAME% = Computer's Name, a variables.
  • [domain name] = The actual domain name (eg. google.com)
  • [domain\username] = The actual domain's username (eg. google.com\administrator)
  • [password] = The username's password.
Of course you can put in a lot of things into this batch file such as checking the computer's name validity (eg. length of the name, cross checking with a database file to match the S/N etc.)

Note that the "netdom" command is NOT AVAILABLE in standard Windows 7 OS, it must be installed separately. Download & install Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT).

Once installed you need to enable the "AD DS Command-Line Utility" before you can start using the "netdom" command.

Jun 1, 2015

Batch - Verify Model & Install Drivers

The following batch file are to check whether the supported model is valid or not and if valid will proceed to next step which is "valid" in this case.

Subsequent batch command is to call the HP SSM built-in command to install the respective drivers automatically.

REM Check for valid model & proceed to install.
for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%i IN ('wmic computersystem get %INPUT% /VALUE ^| FIND /I "%INPUT%="') do set Model=%%j
ECHO   Found the following model : %Model%
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP Compaq 6200 Pro SFF PC" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP Compaq Pro 6300 SFF" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP Elite 8300 USDT" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP ProDesk 600 G1 SFF" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP EliteDesk 800 G1 SFF" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP EliteBook 2560p" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP ProBook 6470b" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP EliteBook 2570p" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP EliteBook Folio 9470m" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP ProBook 640 G1" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP EliteBook 820 G1" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP EliteBook 840 G1" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP EliteBook 1040 G1" GOTO valid
IF "%Model%" EQU "HP Z230 SFF Workstation" GOTO valid

Please take note that the model name are {CASE SENSITIVE} and thus extra care required when typing the model name into the batch file.