Mar 20, 2020

Notebook : Acer Switch Keyboard Dock (Disassembly)

Been a while since my last post, been bog down with tons of work in the new company.

Recently my colleague asked my help to upgrade his Keyboard Dock with an SSD and below are my findings.

1. From first glance, this seems simple enough as most of the screws is visible at the bottom.

2. After removing those visible screws, I find it difficult to remove until I noticed the long rubber strips.

3. Upon removing the rubber strip there lies 2 more hidden screws.

4. And voila, the bottom cover is now removed revealing the components.

5. Removing the HDD is relatively simple but you need to be careful to disconnect the HDD's connector on the board itself first.

6. The HDD is just a SATA-2 port thus replacing it with a SATA-2 SSD is very simple and straight-forward.

7. As always, removing the back cover requires patients and do not force it as this will damaged the clips. As we all knows aged plastics tends to breaks easily and thus using the correct tools is always important.