May 6, 2024

Ubuntu : NFS Server

 How to install Ubuntu NFS Server and basic configuration.

1. Install NFS Apps.

sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server -y

2. Create NFS shared folder.

sudo mkdir /var/nfs/pve -p

3. Grant Ownership to newly created folder.

sudo chown -R nobody:nogroup /var/nfs/pve

4. Grant Permissions to newly created folder too.

sudo chmod 777 /var/nfs/pve

5. Edit NFS configurations.

sudo nano /etc/exports

Add or modify the following lines according to your needs:

/var/nfs/pve [IP Address/CIDR](rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)
example : /var/nfs/pve 192.168.0/24(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)

6. Restart NFS service to take effects.

sudo systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server