Jul 1, 2024

Proxmox : Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate

How to install the FREE Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate for Proxmox VE host.

1. Ensure that your router or firewall have port forwarding to the Proxmox VE server with the following ports :-

        a) 80/tcp
        b) 443/tcp
        c) 8006/tcp

2. You also need a valid or working email account, any free email account will work. The purpose of the email is for Let's Encrypt to send you email notification for the renewal of the SSL certificate after 90 days.

Let's Get Started.

1. Login to your Proxmox server, and select the primary host/node.

2. Browse to --> System --> Certificates.

3. Click --> Add ACME Account.

4. Fill-in the required information :-

        a) Account Name: [Any valid Name will do, such as "demouser"]
        b) E-Mail: [must be a valid email address]

5. Next, click --> Add.

        a) Challenge Type: HTTP
        b) Domain: [a valid Domain name or Dynamic Domain Name]

6. Then, click --> Order Certificates Now.

7. Once all done, close all browsers.

8. Open back the browser but this time use the new domain URL with "HTTPS" protocol, and you should now be able to see the new certificates was installed and active.


Edit : 3-Jul-2024 : I've noticed that after installing the SSL Certificate, any new VM creation will caused the installation to failed. Unsure what is the problems, maybe VLAN issue ?

But after removing the SSL Certificate & restarted the Host server, everything seems to be working back to normal.

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