Jan 9, 2016

Server - Configuring DNS Forwarder (Windows Server 2012 R2)

The recent changes of TM's (Telekom Malaysia) DNS server IP address to have caused much problems, especially when you have your own domain running in the network.

After much time spend going through Microsoft TechNet & MSDN websites, I have found a simple solution to this.

How it works is that all DNS queries will definitely be going to the local DNS (else your local client will not be able to use the local services provided, such as file & printer sharing), as such local DNS queries will be responded by the local DNS server but other or external queries will return an error.

Now I assume you already have a local DNS server setup & running within your domain, just follow this steps :-

1. Open the "DNS Manager" console, goto START --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> DNS.

2. Right-click on your DNS server and select "Properties" option.

3. Goto "Forwarders" tab and click the "Edit" button.

4. Add the DNS IP address as shown, you can also arrange which is the preferred DNS server by using the "Up" and "Down" button.

5. Once all is done, just click "OK" button to close all open windows. Now it does take sometimes for the DNS server to sync its database so be patient for it. Mine took about 15 mins to 30 mins for it to complete.

If you add an extra DNS server (like me, as I don't want to mess with my AD-DS server), you will also need to ensure that your DHCP server is providing the correct DNS address to all your clients in the network. Below diagram is just an example of how it works :-

Happy Computing !!!


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